Freehand Foundational Course

6-week foundational Freehand Beginner sewing course for the student who's not interested in commercial pattern.

Curriculum for Freehand Sewing of Tops or Bottoms.

Free hand sewing is the art of drafting, cutting and making a garment to fit any body size without the need for a commercial pattern. This method of cutting is distinctly different from the process of placing the commercial pattern pieces (cut style pieces) on a piece of fabric and cutting it out following instructions on the pattern.

In freehand drafting, specific measurements are taken directly from the body and drafted on muslin or on the fashion fabric. Seam allowances and other intakes, depending on the style, are added to these measurements before cutting. After all pieces have been cut, various foundational sewing skills which must be acquired prior to attempting free hand sewing, are applied step-by-step in completing the garment.

A large part of freehand sewing depends on your ability to sketch various designs with correct symmetry. This enables you to readily separate parts of style and draft components directly onto the fabric. You also need to understand how to visualize garment from a 3-Dimensional look to a 2-Dimensional look. For example, a finished set-in sleeve (3-D) looks completely different from its flat pattern, 2-D look.

Finally, it's important to understand quick conversions of measurements from whole numbers to fractions of the whole. E.g. A 36" bust circumference plus 4" seam allowance, is easily drafted and cut when folded as a 10-inch wide quarter (Recommended for light-weight fabrics).

The skill of freehand cutting and sewing is mastered with practice over time; but never ending, because there are unlimited garment styles you can conceive.

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